Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bruce Campbell Rides Again!

You guys!  One of our first few episodes was a in depth discussion with my lovely horror cinama obsessed sis, Sarah Salm, on the topic of the remake of Evil Dead.  Now there is an even golden-er nugget of joy on the way!  Army of Darkness is getting a sequel!  Grab your boomsticks and be at the ready for cleft chin excellence!  It's so on!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Real Life Female Action Hero! Sweet heaven above such female badass ambrosia!

samantha swords 1After all the talk very recently of the film industry's open fear of investing in screenplays with female action leads I'd like to post this in our defense.  Although part of the point is that there are a miriad of supporting and already proven lead female action in existance but not nearly as many in comparison to men.  For this chick and the chicks to hopefully be up on the big screen, Swing that Sword Chicka! Gettum!

If Bowie and Terrence Mann had a Collar Off Who Would Win?

Hey there dear Haughty Gang! 
After much self reflection post our new Episode, 80's Fantasy Movie Trifecta (Neverending Story, Dark Crystal & Labyrinth) with the lovely gentleman of The Lance and Ray Show, Lance Rubin and Ray Munoz, I had to admit to myself that Terrence Mann's Rumtumtugger is totally the Goblin King of the Cat world sans Crystal Balls...I mean his character's kinda all about balls in a way already. Heh....heh.
Pop those collar's boys!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Hey guys!
In honor of our shortly to be published Breaking Bad Episode, here's a question for you: If Walter White had been a woman who would you have cast in the role?  And although he probably still would have nailed it, you can't pick Brian Cranston! Go forth and hypothesize!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Argument for a Female Doctor Who - Thinkin' Bout It

Hi There Gang,

I read this today and it did get my wheels going.  What do we think?  As people looking for things to be ever for the better, what do we think?  Not an answer but simply an idea on how to approach the discussion here.  We've had Davies and Moffat now, perhaps we need a Jessica Hynes type writer.  Thoughts, ideas... Lay em' down.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Upcoming! Source Material - WWZ - Print to Film Vice that Versa - Zombies on the Level

Hey there, Wonders of the Universe! 
It's been a bit but get ready for the podcasts to come at you warp speed style!

First off, I'm gonna have a good ol' fashioned sit down with Sarah thesister Salm and
Karen Bray, both Horror officianados. We're talking what was so universally affecting
about the novel World War Z and what balls got dropped, got landed or got rotten
(of course I went there!  They're zombies!) in the recent film and what today's Zombie
adaptations are serving up to our psyches! 

Once again, just a light hearted/ slash putrid melty hearted romp!

Troop that Storm Gay Pride Parade! Yes!

When I saw this fabulous stormtrooper. FYI Nerds at Gay Pride NYC.  Always thought that armor needed a splash o' color!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Star Trek and the Tale of Benedict Cumbdiddlyumptious

It had to happen gang.  Geek Goddess Jesi M. once again graces the Nerdress sound waves along with Becca IRockSocksLikeANerdFox Kopec to discuss with lil' ol me, Erin Salm, the modern magnificence and derailed fratty debauchery that is both the boon and doom of the new Star Trek film franchise.  

Keep your eyes peeled for the posting of this episode.  It's a doozy.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Coming Soon!

Thanks so much for checking out The Haughty Nerdress!  The Episodes and a few extras are slowly being loaded to the site!  Stay Tuned!